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Rabu, 29 April 2009


Untuk apa lagi aku merenung,
Membayangi sebuah impian yang besar,
Bersamamu sahabat walau dimana jua,
Namum kau merantau jauh ke tempat orang,

Sudah lama kita merasai kepahitan bersama,
Tapi bagaikn manisnya seperti madu,
Segala susah senang kita harungi bersama,
Dalam menempuh impian yang satu,

Salam kerinduan ku lafazkn,
Untuk mu sahabat yang jauh di mata,
Ingatlah selalu suka duka kita bersama,
Semoga ianya menjadi sebuah memori indah
Ke Atas


Being in a friendship
Is a release
Because you can share with them your frightening tears,
Being in a friendship
Is a wonderful gift
Because they can wipe away your sadness tears,
Being in a friendship
Is a truly bliss
Because you can laugh in loud and crazy cheers,
Being in a friendship
Are moments to cherish
Because you will remember them when they’re disappears.

Being in a friendship
Sometimes it’s hard
When your faith fluctuating in your heart,
Being in a friendship
Sometimes leave marks
When your mind disagree with your friend’s luck.
Being in a friendship
Sometimes put blocks
When your friend start to refuse to talk,
Being in a friendship
Sometimes gain dark
When they leave you alone with no door to knock,

Being in a friendship
Bring happiness
They make you laugh like you’re gonna die
Being in a friendship
Bring sadness
They let you cry with their story of lies
Being in a friendship
Brings anger
They let you dash thing but still deny

Being in a friendship
Brings everything
That makes your life a perfect journey
Being in a friendship
Is so interesting
When it’s a friendship between you and me.